Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Would this work to port my Virgin Mobile number to Cingular?

I'm currantly with Virgin Mobile, and I'm not very please with their service. My mom has Cingular, and she's seems to love it, and after trying it out on her phone, I like it too. I want to add a line to her account, and buy a RAZR (as they are free now). But I would also like to port my Virgin Mobile number over. Virgin Mobile told me I can bring my number over, but I may have to pay some fees. I checked it out and I think it adds up to like $3. But the free RAZR is an Online Only deal. I know how to add a line to my mom's account online. So would this plan work:

I add a line to my mom's account and buy the RAZR (free). Then I assume I'll get a phone number and just wait until I get the phone. Then I take it to a Cingular store and have them port my old number to my new RAZR phone. Would this work, or is it impossible to port a number when a new number is assigned to the Cingular phone?Would this work to port my Virgin Mobile number to Cingular?
you won't have any problemWould this work to port my Virgin Mobile number to Cingular?
call cingular up and ask them
your decision

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