here is how it works
Points and Levels
To encourage participation and reward great answers, Yahoo! Answers has a system of points and levels. The number of points you get depends on the specific action you take. The points table below summarizes the point values for different actions. While you can't use points to buy or redeem anything, they do allow everyone to recognize how active and helpful you've been. (And they give you another excuse to brag to your friends.)
Points Table Action Points
Begin participating on Yahoo! Answers One time: 100
Ask a question -5
Choose a best answer for your question 3
No Best Answer was selected by voters on your question Points Returned: 5
Answer a question 2
Deleting an answer -2
Log in to Yahoo! Answers Once daily: 1
Vote for a best answer 1
Vote for No best answer 0
Have your answer selected as the best answer 10
Levels are another way to keep track of how active you (and others) have been. The more points you accumulate, the higher your level. Yahoo! Answers recognizes your level achievements with our special brand of thank you's! Level Yahoo! Answers Thank Yous Points
7 Be the first to find out! 25000+
6 Be the first to find out! 10,000 - 24,999
5 Be eligible to be a Featured User on the home page masthead. 5,000 - 9,999
4 Be eligible to be a Featured User on the community manager editorial page. (coming soon) 2,500-4,999
3 A super-special Yahoo! Answers thank you. (coming soon) 1,000-2,499
2 The ability to rate questions and answers 250-999
1 Full access, except you cannot rate questions and answers 1-249
0 Limited access: you cannot ask a question but have level 1 privileges 0
And finally, as you attain higher levels, you'll also be able to contribute more to Yahoo! Answers - you can ask, answer, vote and rate more frequently. *All limitations are per day Level Questions Answers Comments Rates Votes
6, 7 * unlimited * unlimited 100
5 * unlimited * unlimited 100
4 20 80 40 unlimited 80
3 15 60 30 unlimited 60
2 10 40 20 unlimited 40
1 5 20 10 0 20I need to know how this works!?
read terms of yahoo answers
ask yahoo don't ask us cos we are also figuring it out
That is just to start you up so you have some points to ask questions as well. Otherwise each time you answer you get 2 points, each time you ask you get deducted 5 points. Each time your answer is chosen as best answer you get 10 points. And sometimes just because you visit the web site you get 1 point (but you have to be logged in before you enter the web site)
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